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Generic way to check if a key is in a Collection in Excel VBA

I have different Collections in my code. Some hold Objects (of various kinds), others have types (like Long) within them.

Is there a way to check if a key is contained in the Collection that works for types as well as objects?

So far I have two functions.

First function:

Private Function ContainsObject(objCollection As Object, strName As String) As Boolean
    Dim o As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set o = objCollection(strName)
    ContainsObject = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function

Second function:

Private Function ContainsLong(AllItems As Collection, TheKey As String) As Boolean
    Dim TheValue As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    TheValue = AllItems.Item(TheKey)
    ContainsLong = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function

The reason for the two functions is that ContainsObject does not seem to work if I pass a Collection that has Longs pairs (the function always returns False.)

P.S.: The first function is a copy of the third answer from Test or check if sheet exists


  • You should use a Variant in the first function. You can assign an Object to a Variant, e.g. this won't error:

    Sub Test()
        Dim var As Variant
        Dim obj As Object
        Set obj = Application
        var = Application
        Debug.Print var
    End Sub

    But this will give a Type Mismatch compile error i.e. trying to assign a Long to an Object:

    Sub Test()
        Dim obj As Object
        Dim lng As Long
        lng = 3
        Set obj = lng
    End Sub

    So, for a generic function (along the lines of your code) to check if a Collection key is valid, you can use:

    Function HasKey(coll As Collection, strKey As String) As Boolean
        Dim var As Variant
        On Error Resume Next
        var = coll(strKey)
        HasKey = (Err.Number = 0)
    End Function

    Test code:

    Sub Test()
        Dim coll1 As New Collection
        coll1.Add Item:=Sheet1.Range("A1"), Key:="1"
        coll1.Add Item:=Sheet1.Range("A2"), Key:="2"
        Debug.Print HasKey(coll1, "1")
        Dim coll2 As New Collection
        coll2.Add Item:=1, Key:="1"
        coll2.Add Item:=2, Key:="2"
        Debug.Print HasKey(coll2, "1")
    End Sub

    There is a useful article on MSDN regarding this. The context is VB6 but relates to VBA.