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How to call a function placed in another directory in Matlab?

I have a large project coded in MATLAB, with 15-18 scripts. It is becoming very challenging to understand the whole code. I was thinking that if I can put some scripts in another folder, it will become very straightforward to understand and maintain the code. Is it possible to do that?

Consider the below directory structure:

enter image description here

How can I call a function from main.m that is placed in func.m in Folder 1?


  • Manual solution

    Perform the following:

    1. Right click on the folder which is on top of the hierarchy.
    2. click on Add to path
    3. Click on selected folders and subfolders

    At this stage, your scripts will be able to identify any function or script which resides in one of the inner subfolders which you chose. In addition you can call any script and function you would like by simply typing it's name in the command line.

    Code solution

    Instead of doing it manualy, it is also possible to add folders and subfolders into path by using the following code:

     addpath(genpath(<path to your directory>))


    The tree structure of the current Matlab path

    enter image description here

    You can add the functions and scripts from Folder 1 into path by either writing the following code:

    addpath(genpath('Folder 1'))

    Or by using 'Adding folders and subfolders' option from the menu:

    enter image description here

    After doing so, it is possible to call func straight from main