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Improving trial division primality test using 6k+/-1 rule

I was going through the basics of trial division primality test, and hence, implementing it in code. The performance of the algorithm can be increased using many tricks like:

1) running the trial division only up to square-root(n)

2) trading memory for time by creating a sieve up to square-root(n), and then running the trial division only on the primes in the created sieve

But nowhere did I find the idea of returning the result as composite if the value of n%6 (n mod 6) if found out to be 1 or 5 (using the 6k +/- 1 rule). Will using this rule in our prime number determination test not improve its performance? If yes, why hasn't it been mentioned anywhere? If no, why is it so?



  • It seems you fall into the category above the beginner level (people who would never come up with the idea) and below people looking for extreme performance. So the idea is a bit difficult to explain to the beginners, and seems trivial to the very advanced ones.

    It reduces the running time by one third, or lets you test 50% more numbers in the same time. You can save a bit more by doing fewer tests that the divisor isn't too large: Let's say you test a number around a billion. You have a loop, with a divisor d = 6k-1, and you want to test d and d+2 = 6k+1. So you only test that d^2 ≤ p, you don't test that (d+2)^2 ≤ p. Worst case, you test one divisor more than you needed. Best case, you save a few thousand tests that (d+2)^2 ≤ p.

    You can save slightly more by observing that the only possible primes ≥ 30 are 30k + 1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, avoiding 30k + 5 and 30k + 25.