I'm trying to fill daily data for missing dates and can not find an answer, please help.
My daily_table
url | timestamp_gmt | visitors | hits | other..
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-12 | 1231 | 23423 |
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-13 | 1374 | 26482 |
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-17 | 1262 | 21493 |
www.domain.com/2 | 2016-05-09 | 2345 | 35471 |
Expected result: I wand to fill this table with data for every domain and every day which just copy data from previous date
url | timestamp_gmt | visitors | hits | other..
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-12 | 1231 | 23423 |
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-13 | 1374 | 26482 |
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-14 | 1374 | 26482 | <-added
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-15 | 1374 | 26482 | <-added
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-16 | 1374 | 26482 | <-added
www.domain.com/1 | 2016-04-17 | 1262 | 21493 |
www.domain.com/2 | 2016-05-09 | 2345 | 35471 |
I can move a part of the logic into php, but it is undesirable, because my table has billions of missing dates.
During a few last days I foud out that:
and CTEs
(thank you @systemjack) but WITH RECURSIVE
does notFinally, I finished my task and I want to share some useful things.
Instead of generate_series
I used this hook:
WITH date_range AS (
SELECT trunc(current_date - (row_number() OVER ())) AS date
FROM any_table -- any of your table which has enough data
) SELECT * FROM date_range;
To get list of URLs which I have to fill with the data I used this:
WITH url_list AS (
url AS gapsed_url,
MIN(timestamp_gmt) AS min_date,
MAX(timestamp_gmt) AS max_date
FROM daily_table
WHERE url IN (
SELECT url FROM daily_table GROUP BY url
HAVING count(url) < (MAX(timestamp_gmt) - MIN(timestamp_gmt) + 1)
) SELECT * FROM url_list;
Then I combinet given data, let's call it url_mapping
SELECT t1.*, t2.gapsed_url FROM date_range AS t1 CROSS JOIN url_list AS t2
WHERE t1.date <= t2.max_date AND t1.date >= t2.min_date;
And to get data by closest date I did the following:
FROM url_mapping AS um JOIN daily_table AS sd
ON um.gapsed_url = sd.url AND (
sd.timestamp_gmt = (SELECT max(timestamp_gmt) FROM daily_table WHERE url = sd.url AND timestamp_gmt <= um.date)
I hope it will help someone.