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How to connect to postgresql from ios9

I'm building iOS9.3 app with Swift.

I'm trying to connect the PostgreSQL directly, and yes I know usually the most common approach is to create a web api as bridge between apps and server(like MSSQL,PGSQL,MYSQL...), and that is the easy/safe way to do it.

But right now I need to do direct connection, and I already tried several solution as below, but so far there is no luck. Basically these are build from Obj-C(2010~14), and I also have to create Bridging-Header to connect Obj-C and Swift(That is not a problem).

But I'm stuck here. :(

libpq.framework, PGSQLTouch , PGSQLKit-iOS-9.1.1

If I just used "libpq", the error is "libpq-fe.h' file not found".

If I used PGSQLKit the error will be "No such module 'PGClientKit_ios'" event I setup the Build Phases, Framework Search Paths.

have any ideas?

PGClientKit_ios's git>>> ""

Objective-C Bridging Header


  • if anyone still having the same issue like I did, after a long struggled I got a solution!(I was trying to find or modified all kind of the existing "Kits","framework")

    I was surprised, what I was looking for, could be so rarely, suddenly very envious those android developer.

    The simple step as follow.

    1. Go find a libpq.framework.
    2. You have to create a C type file(because libpq is not Obj-c.) as C API to connect libpq.
    3. After that create a Bridging-Header to connect it.(It Bridging will not generate its own)
    4. Back to the C type file you created
    5. Follow this "PostgreSQL C Language API" tutorial this tutorial saved me a lot of time .(C has been a very far away from me.)
    6. If need, go to Build Settings >> Enable Bitcode >> YES
    7. Make sure test it on the device.

    I will post the sample code on git and share the link, after I finish my project.

    :) Cheers.