I have perl code for encrypting/decrypting below. The encryption seams to be working. The decryption isn't restoring the original. Original: 4111111111111111 Encrypted: IW7K95q8p1Wa89CQ2DoIxQ== Decrypted: §À@ŽŒ¦õúbp I need the decrytion to match the original. Any ideas? Any additional suggestions?
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use Crypt::CBC qw( );
use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 decode_base64 );
sub decrypt {
my $my_string=@_;
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
'key' => 'length16length16',
'cipher' => 'Rijndael',
'iv' => '1234567890abcdef',
'literal_key' => 1,
'padding' => 'null',
'header' => 'none',
keysize => 128 / 8
my $return = $cipher->decrypt($my_string);
return $return;
sub encrypt {
my $my_string=@_;
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
'key' => 'length16length16',
'cipher' => 'Rijndael',
'iv' => '1234567890abcdef',
'literal_key' => 1,
'padding' => 'null',
'header' => 'none',
keysize => 128 / 8
my $return = encode_base64($cipher->encrypt($my_string));
return $return;
my $cc = '4111111111111111';
my $coded = encrypt($cc);
say $coded;
my $decoded = decrypt($coded);
say $decoded;
The following assigns the number of elements in @_
) to $mystring
my $my_string=@_;
You want:
my ($my_string) = @_;
You encoded the data using base64 during encryption, but you don't have a corresponding decode_base64
during decryption.
You're defying a number of security mechanisms by using literal_key
with a text password and by using a constant iv
Note that padding with null
only works if the plaintext can't contain NUL characters. It's not a very appropriate padding method.
I don't know what are the implications of using a 16-byte key instead of the default 32-byte key.
is being misused, since you don't want a newlines in the encoded string. Replace encode_base64($s)
with encode_base64($s, '')
Your indenting sucks.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use Crypt::CBC qw( );
use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 decode_base64 );
my $key = 'length16length16';
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new({
cipher => 'Rijndael',
key => $key,
sub decrypt {
my ($my_string) = @_;
return $cipher->decrypt(decode_base64($my_string));
sub encrypt {
my ($my_string) = @_;
return encode_base64($cipher->encrypt($my_string), '');
my $cc = '4111111111111111';
my $coded = encrypt($cc);
say $coded;
my $decoded = decrypt($coded);
say $decoded;