I just switched over to using Windows Command Line Sass. I had been using apps like Scout and Compass.app to compile. SASS is running fine and will compile, but when I use @import "compass"
it breaks and I get the error:
"Error: File to import not found or unreadable: compass."
I'm pretty sure I installed Compass correctly when installing SASS. The only thing I can think of that could be breaking it would a pathing issue to compass, perhaps? Can anyone help me out?
Figured it out, there were two things I was doing wrong:
1- I was using sass --watch file.scss:file.css
. I should've been using compass watch
2- I was watching the wrong folder. I needed to go up a directory.
I would delete this, but hopefully it will help someone someday. If you're having this problem, also make sure Compass and Sass are installed correctly where they should be.