Using Python, how can I update data programmatically for a Pygal chart?
The code below works fine as a static Stacked-Bar chart, but I can't figure out how to accommodate changing values.
import pygal
line_chart = pygal.HorizontalStackedBar()
line_chart.title = 'Application Health'
line_chart.x_labels = ( "cluster05", "cluster04", "cluster03", "cluster02", "cluster01")
line_chart.add('Critical', [2, 5, 4, 1, None])
line_chart.add('Warning',[1, 7, 2, None, 2])
line_chart.add('OK', [25, 30, 19, 20, 25])
The line type is the following class.
>>> type(line_chart.add('OK', [25, 30, 19, 20, 25]))
<class 'pygal.graph.horizontalstackedbar.HorizontalStackedBar'>
newData = "21, 55, 35, 82, 47, 70, 60"
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
newData = "21, 55, 35, 82, 47, 70, 60"
y = list(newData)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'
You have a TypeError
. it expects a list of numbers.
It's easy to think of variables as substitutions:
y = [1,2,3]
means anywhere there is a y
, just put [1,2,3]
instead. So when you do [y]
, it happily replaces it with [[1,2,3]]
You're giving it a list containing a single string:
["21, 55, 35, 82, 47, 70, 60"]
, then passing that inside a list:
[["21, 55, 35, 82, 47, 70, 60"]]
, which is not what it expects.
It wants a list of integers:
y = [21, 55, 35, 82, 47, 70, 60]
To update the chart, you'll likely have to rebuild it (I'm not familiar with pygal, so it may support editing in place, but rebuilding will always work)
def update_chart(crit_values, warning_values, ok_values):
line_chart = pygal.HorizontalStackedBar()
line_chart.title = 'Application Health'
line_chart.x_labels = ( "cluster05", "cluster04", "cluster03", "cluster02", "cluster01")
line_chart.add('Critical', crit_values)
line_chart.add('Warning', warning_values)
line_chart.add('OK', ok_values)
Will allow you to rebuild it and pass it new lists for each type, by doing:
update_chart([2, 5, 4, 1, None], [1, 7, 2, None, 2], [25, 30, 19, 20, 25])
update_chart(x, y, z)
where x,y,z are integer lists like I showed above.