My data looks like below: Column 1 is binary variable and column 2 is continuous variable.
Col1 Col2
0 21
0 34
1 36
0 24
1 96
. .
. .
0 25
And so on. I want my output in new data frame where column 1 levels as two new different columns("0" and "1") and corresponding column 2 values below both. Here is a reproducible example:
Col1 <- sample(c(0,1), 50, replace = TRUE)
Col2 <- round(rnorm(50),2)
dat <- data.frame(Col1, Col2)
So, basically my output should look like:
"0" "1"
21 36
34 96
24 .
. .
. .
Conducting a t.test in R. It is best practice to convert your factor variable (the 0/1) to a factor before running the t.test. The function assumes each row is a separate person, and they belong to the group specified in Col1.
Col1 <- sample(c(0,1), 50, replace = TRUE)
Col2 <- round(rnorm(50),2)
dat <- data.frame(Col1, Col2)
dat$Col1 <- factor(dat$Col1)
t.test(Col2 ~ Col1, data = dat)