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PHP Converting DateInterval to int

I'm using this code:

$due_date = new DateTime($_POST['due_date']);

$today = new DateTime();
$months = $due_date->diff($today);


$fine = 0.02 * $price * $months; // i got error in this line

$bill = $price + $fine;

I want to calculate, if someone is late to pay then they will be fined per month. And the error message is:

Object of class DateInterval could not be converted to int


  • The error message appears because $months is not an int, but a Datetime object like this one:

    DateInterval Object
        [y] => 0
        [m] => 4
        [d] => 12
        [h] => 6
        [i] => 56
        [s] => 9
        [weekday] => 0
        [weekday_behavior] => 0
        [first_last_day_of] => 0
        [invert] => 0
        [days] => 133
        [special_type] => 0
        [special_amount] => 0
        [have_weekday_relative] => 0
        [have_special_relative] => 0

    You can get the integer value of months like this

    $due_date = new DateTime('13-02-2016');
    $today = new DateTime();
    $months = $due_date->diff($today);
    echo $months->m;

    Check the above result in PHP Sandbox

    So basically your code will look like

    $due_date = new DateTime($_POST['due_date']);
    $today = new DateTime();
    $months = $due_date->diff($today);
    $fine = 0.02 * $price * $months->m; // i got no error in this line
    $bill = $price + $fine;