SSDT (I suspect) creates a table called __RefactorLog in any database you point it towards.
If I've hit a release is there any harm in deleting this table as I don't see any benefit in including it in schema creation scripts at the time of deployment?
I can't see any downside to it myself, but I'd like to pose the question to the knowledgeable people here to see if there's something I'm missing...
It is created by SSDT when you use a refactor in SSDT (like Refactor -> Rename) if you do a deployment and just clear out the table it will retry to do any old refactorings which could just fail or cause a disaster!
If you clear the table make sure you also remove the entries from the refactorlog.xml in your project - the file is pretty obvious.
Make sure you don't try to deploy an old dacpac (I guess this is unlikely anyway)