I'm trying to parse a file with lines that consist of a key, a space, a number and then a newline.
My code works, but it doesn't smell right to me. Is there a better way to use Scanner? Particularly, I don't like having the Scan() inside the for-loop without any protection on it.
func TestScanner(t *testing.T) {
const input = `key1 62128128\n
key2 8337182720\n
key3 7834959872\n
key4 18001920\n
key5 593104896\n`
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(input))
for scanner.Scan() {
key := scanner.Text()
value := scanner.Text();
fmt.Printf("k: %v, v: %v\n", key, value)
you should not use \n
in input
, and always check for errors.
working sample code:
package main
import (
func main() {
const input = `key1 62128128
key2 8337182720
key3 7834959872
key4 18001920
key5 593104896`
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(input))
for scanner.Scan() {
key := scanner.Text()
if !scanner.Scan() {
value := scanner.Text()
fmt.Printf("k: %v, v: %v\n", key, value)
k: key1, v: 62128128
k: key2, v: 8337182720
k: key3, v: 7834959872
k: key4, v: 18001920
k: key5, v: 593104896
Also you may use Fscan
which scans to desired type, like this:
package main
import "fmt"
import "strings"
func main() {
const input = `key1 62128128
key2 8337182720
key3 7834959872
key4 18001920
key5 593104896`
rdr := strings.NewReader(input)
for {
k, v := "", 0
n, _ := fmt.Fscan(rdr, &k, &v)
if n != 2 {
fmt.Printf("%T: %[1]v, %T: %[2]v\n", k, v)
string: key1, int: 62128128
string: key2, int: 8337182720
string: key3, int: 7834959872
string: key4, int: 18001920
string: key5, int: 593104896