I've been using the beamer class to create presentations in LaTeX and I love it. Recently I started using the \note command to add notes to my handout so that I have a printed version with some pointers to remind myself of things I want to say in the lecture.
I have a problem with the longer lines in the notes environment as they seems to spill of the right end of the page without formatting correctly. I don't know if this is so for a reason, but in any case, I would like to find out how to change it. Clearly, I do not want to change the width of the text everywhere, only in the note environment.
Here is a minimal example:
\title{An example of itemize in notes not working in beamer}
\setbeameroption{show notes}
$$ e^{i\pi}+1=0$$
\item At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blandiis pra
Without the [itemize] option it works fine, but if you put a \begin{itemize}...\end{itemize} environment manually the result is the same.
Any ideas?
I finally found a good answer, by re-posting on TeX.SE. It turns out that there's a small bug in Beamer that is responsible for this behavior. A workaround is given in the TeX.SE site. Hopefully, the workaround or a real fix will be included in the next Beamer release, as is currently planned.