While working on an Ionic app , i came across many usages of cordova plugins. like how to take picture from camera or how to pick contacts from phonebook , but i found several examples using two different ways to do it .
For example :
1: using $cordovaCamera (example)
2: navigator.camera (example)
My Question is what exactly is the difference between the two , is it because of the Cordova versions ?
I also see the using navigator.camera does not require ngCordova to be injected in the module whereas using $cordovaCamera requires .
You are asking about two common usages of Cordova plugins as follows:
This is where you only make use of Cordova plugins without additional libraries and plugins are basically available under navigator object, like (navigator.camera).
Cordova Docs: https://cordova.apache.org/
If you use AngularJS, ngCordova will provide you with simple AngularJS wrappers (i.e $cordovaCamera) for the most popular Cordova and PhoneGap plugins available, and you'll still be able to access plugins using navigator object.
ngCordova Docs: http://ngcordova.com/docs/
Since Ionic Framework makes use of ngCordova, plugins are accessible using either ngCordova wrappers like $cordovaCamera
or navigator object navigator.camera