I am new at couchbase lite. I have studied couchbase Server. I just want to know , what is is couchbase lite in simple words ? Is it possible to use it on windows application? Is there Different console than Couchbase server?(means whr should exactly i see the stored data by couchbase lite .like for couchbase server http://localhost:8091/ui/index.html#/overview ) What is relation between couchbase server and couchbase lite????
(I knw questions are silly but need to clear the basics )
please help me out !!!
Couchbase Lite is a lightweight mobile/embedded nosql database and is part of Couchbase Mobile. It is designed to be on a mobile device, embedded device, OS, etc. So yes, it can be part of a Windows application and communicate Couchbase Mobile.
Couchbase Mobile is made up of Couchbase Lite, Sync_Gateway and Couchbase Server. Couchbase Sync_Gateway is the app server Couchbase Lite talks to in order to synchronize data between devices and Couchbase Server. Couchbase Server is a full featured operational NoSQL Database that is a fully distributed and clustered system.
I could get into more detail, but that really is not what StackOverflow is for as it is not coding related per se. I recommend you go to the Couchbase Forums.