I need to write a recursive function for powerset, but I can't use mapcar, loop.
This is my code so far:
(defun parts (L)
((null L)'(nil))
(let ((PXs (parts (cdr L))))
(append PXs (add(car L) PXs))
(defun add (E Cs)
(null (cdr Cs))
(list(cons E Cs))
(append(list(cons E (list (car Cs)))) (addE (cdr Cs)))
But the result for (parts ('1 2 3)) is:
(NIL (3 NIL) (2 NIL) (2 (3 NIL)) (1 NIL) (1 (3 NIL)) (1 (2 NIL)) (1 (2 (3 NIL))))
I found this method
(defun powerset (list)
(let ((x (car list)))
(if x
(let ((p (powerset (cdr list))))
(append p (mapcar (lambda (list) (cons x list)) p)))
And the result for (powerset('1 2 3)) is:
(NIL (3) (2) (2 3) (1) (1 3) (1 2) (1 2 3))
But I can't use mapcar, and I cannot found the problem in my code, is there any alternative to the function mapcar?
Here is a possibile solution:
(defun parts (l)
(if (null l)
(add (car l) (parts (cdr l)))))
(defun add (x pset)
(if (null pset)
(cons (car pset)
(cons (cons x (car pset))
(add x (cdr pset))))))
(parts '(1 2 3)) ; => (NIL (1) (2) (1 2) (3) (1 3) (2 3) (1 2 3))
The function add
adds the element x to a powerset in this way:
The function parts
builds recursively the powerset of a list, by adding, one of its elements at time, to the powerset constituted by a list containing the empty list (the powerset of the empty set).