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Parse Dashboard Settings

I'm using Parse Server Dashboard on Heroku with my iOS app and I would like to configure Push Notifications. I know I can configure this in App Settings, but in the dashboard I can only see Core and Push. On screenshots online I see there's another tab but in my dashboard this doesn't appear.

enter image description here

Am I missing something?

Thanks for your help!


  • The way you change app settings like push is different now that we have to use Parse Server. Before, it was built into their Dashboard interface, but now you have to manually enter that information in your index.js file. Referring to this article, it should look like this:

    var api = new ParseServer({
        databaseURI: databaseUri || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/dev',
        cloud: process.env.CLOUD_CODE_MAIN || __dirname + '/cloud/main.js',
        appId: 'MYAPPID',
        clientKey: 'myclientKey',  
        masterKey: 'myMasterKey',
        push: {
            android: {
                senderId: '', // The Sender ID of GCM
                apiKey: '' // The Server API Key of GCM
            ios: {
                pdx: 'certs/mycert.p12', // the path and filename to the .p12 file you exported earlier. 
                bundleId: '', // The bundle identifier associated with your app
                production: true

    You'll have to grab the certificate information from each of the providers yourself, and simply include the .p12 certificate file somewhere near your index.js and you're golden.