After my last upgrade, I have tried to launch my app and I have many errors during the use in the app.
Here is one of the errors I have after I have updated my project (on login, I have many undefined in several different functions):
Error: updateUserDetails is not defined
Also, when I'm trying to login with Facebook:
ionic.bundle.js:26794 ReferenceError: facebookConnectPlugin is not defined
at Object.login (ng-cordova.js:2190)
at Object.login (facebookService.js:35)
at Scope.$scope.fbLogin (loginCntrls.js:34)
at fn (eval at compile (ionic.bundle.js:27638), <anonymous>:4:290)
at ionic.bundle.js:65427
at Scope.$eval (ionic.bundle.js:30395)
at Scope.$apply (ionic.bundle.js:30495)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (ionic.bundle.js:65426)
at defaultHandlerWrapper (ionic.bundle.js:16787)
at HTMLButtonElement.eventHandler (ionic.bundle.js:16775)
Here is the updateUserDetails
.controller('loginCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $state, $fbHelper, $ionicLoading, $uiHelper, $api, $ionicHistory, $parsePush) {
$scope.user = {
email: "",
password: ""
function handleInputError(emailVal, passwordVal){
var errorMsg = '';
errorMsg = 'Please insert a valid email address';
} else if(!passwordVal) {
errorMsg = 'Please insert your password';
if(errorMsg) {
$uiHelper.popError("", errorMsg, function(){});
function goToFeed(){
$state.go('app.feeds.latest', {type: "getLatestQuestions", reload: true});
.controller('registerCtrl', function ($scope, $rootScope, $state, $ionicLoading, $uiHelper, $api, $ionicHistory, $parsePush) {
console.log("init registerCtrl");
$scope.user = {
email: "",
nickname: "",
password: "",
verify: "",
gender: "m"
$scope.register = function($event){
var emailVal = $,
nicknameVal = $scope.user.nickname,
passwordVal = $scope.user.password,
verifyVal = $scope.user.verify,
genderVal = $scope.user.gender;
if(!emailVal || !passwordVal || !nicknameVal || !verifyVal || !genderVal || passwordVal!= verifyVal ){
handleInputError(passwordVal, verifyVal);
$api.register(emailVal, nicknameVal, passwordVal, genderVal).then(function(data){
if(data && data.error){
$uiHelper.popError("", data.error, function(){});
} else if(data && data._id){
updateUserDetails(data.user); //ERROR IS HERE
$ionicHistory.nextViewOptions({disableBack: true});
It appears that you're calling this line
updateUserDetails(data.user); //Error in this line
in your registerCtrl. That function looks like it's defined in your loginCtrl function (I can't be sure since you omitted a decent portion of code from your example). If this is a function you're trying to call from several controllers, you should look at defining it in a service and injecting that service into the controllers that need it.
Something like so:
.factory('User', function($rootScope){
return {
updateUserDetails: function(data){
$rootScope.$broadcast('user:updated',{userId : data._id, userPicture: data.picture, userName:, gender: data.gender});
You'll need to make sure you have a reference to the user in the service, but hopefully, this gets you started.