Search code examples

Is there a way to refresh virtual repeat container?

I've got a md-virtual-repeat-container that handles the data from an API call triggered by a search box. I'd like to be able to refresh this container when a user enters a second search query.

I'm using a setup similar to this plnkr which is from this question:. The only difference is its getting data from a server when the user enters a search term.

My Question

Is there a way to trigger a refresh an md-virtual-repeat-container?

I don't think the code is relevant but here's my (simplified) production code:

    var self = this;
    self.infiniteItems = {
        numLoaded_: 0,
        toLoad_: 0,
        items: [],
        getItemAtIndex: function (index) {
        if (index > this.numLoaded_) {
                return null;
            return this.items[index];
         getLength: function() {
            return this.numLoaded_ + 25;
         fetchMoreItems_: function (index) { 
             if (this.toLoad_ < index) {
                 this.toLoad_ += 5;
                 var offset = 0;

                     method: 'GET',
                     datatype: 'json',
                     url: '{my-api-call}',
                     contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                     cache: false,
                     params: {
                         param: query,
                         page: offset
                  }).then(angular.bind(this, function (obj) {
                     this.items = this.items.concat(;
                     this.numLoaded_ = this.toLoad_;
                     $scope.searchResults =;


  • You can force a redraw of your md-virtual-repeat container by triggering a fake window resize event (this causes the directive to call its private handleScroll_() method which then calls containerUpdated()).

    This will trigger a fake window resize event:
