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Accessing TortoiseSVN file:// repository with http:// or https://

I have a lot of already existed local SVN repositories on my Windows PC and TortoiseSVN on it. I also use Netbeans IDE for developing. I have problems with SVN after some updates of Netbeans and TortoiseSVN.

As I see all my projects are configured to use file:// to access repositories, and it looks like problems are connected with using such way of repository path. Can I somehow use http:// (https://) oriented paths to already existed local repositories? Or I can't and must install VisualSVN and create new repositories?

In best case I need some solution to resolve problem with already existed repositories and not to create new repos.


  • Yes, you should install HTTP(S) capable Subversion server such as VisualSVN Server to be able to access the repositories over HTTP(S) locally or remotely.