I have written a simple chat program in python. You just have a simple input() prompt (using readline) which should always be on the bottom.
partner: hey
you > (stdin)
Now, I am trying this without using curses and I have had success by defining these two constants
CURSOR_UP_ONE = '\x1b[1A'
ERASE_LINE = '\x1b[2M'
which I use like this whenever a message from 'partner' is received:
print('partner > ' + msg)
print('you > ')
This works fine, however, there is one problem: When I start typing just as a message from 'partner' comes in, it erases the line including what I typed (which I am then no more able to access) and the erased characters are obviously still part of what input() returns.
So, is there a way of moving down the input prompt without curses or a way to buffer the typed in characters to be able to access, display and manipulate them?
Ok, I solved my problem.
I discovered the module rl
. I use it this way:
import rl.readline as readline
# code
print('partner > ' + msg)
This just redisplays the prompt including what I typed (just what I wanted).