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ODATA $expand and $select queries in url

Yes, I know, this question is always asked. But I looked for answers to my problem, and everything I've seen is the same explanation, but it still doesn't work for me. Explanations.

For example on the Northwind service (that I use to train because it is simple, before using my job's service) :

If I do

It works.

BUT if I want to do :$expand=Products($select=ProductName) (since there is a ProductName property in Products) ... It doesn't work. I have the error : Syntax error at position 9. That "position 9" corresponds to the first parenthesis.

However, all I have seen on and on StackOverflow's forum says it should be something like that. What do I wrong ?


  • I found. In odata v2, we need to expand the entity we want to display and then select out of parenthesis with the path relative to the basis entity.

    Example :$expand=Products&$select=Products/ProductName

    It is not so weird after all...