I have this problem where my volatile, macro type UDF that sets the value of a couple of cells next to the calling cell works perfectly unless used twice (or more) in the sheet: the Excel status bar starts flashing "Calculating...".
I't not a real hang but an heavy load of recalculations: the counter in the example function are drawn without the choppiness of actual hangs.
Also I am not sure about using a volatile UDF, as I need to have automatic recalculation, but only on input changes, rather than constant polling.
I did produce an example module with three functions:
- Similar to my UDF: a single SetValue
call. Excel hangs if used two times.NonVolatileOneNyanCat
- As above, but not volatile. Doesn't hang, but I need auto-recalculation.HangNyanCat
- It calls SetValue
two times on two different ranges. Excel hangs.I think that this has to do with how ExcelAsyncUtil.QueueAsMacro
works and with thread safety, but I'm baffled here.
Imports ExcelDna.Integration
Imports ExcelDna.Integration.XlCall
Public Module Example
<ExcelFunction(IsMacroType:=True, IsVolatile:=True)>
Public Function VolatileNyanCat() As String
Dim caller = CType(XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller), ExcelReference)
Dim NyanCat(,) As String = {{"Nyan", "Cat"}}
Dim nc As New ExcelReference(caller.RowFirst + 1, caller.RowLast + 1,
caller.ColumnFirst, caller.ColumnLast + 1,
Static nyy As Integer = 1
nyy += 1
End Sub)
Return "NYA! x " + CStr(nyy)
End Function
Public Function NonVolatileOneNyanCat() As String
Dim caller = CType(XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller), ExcelReference)
Dim NyanCat(,) As String = {{"Nyan", "Cat"}}
Dim nc As New ExcelReference(caller.RowFirst + 1, caller.RowLast + 1,
caller.ColumnFirst, caller.ColumnLast + 1,
Static nyy As Integer = 1
nyy += 1
End Sub)
Return "NYA! x " + CStr(nyy)
End Function
<ExcelFunction(IsMacroType:=True, IsVolatile:=True)>
Public Function HangNyanCat() As String
Dim caller = CType(XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller), ExcelReference)
Dim nyan(,) As String = {{"Nyan"}} : Dim cat(,) As String = {{"Cat"}}
Dim n As New ExcelReference(caller.RowFirst + 1, caller.RowLast + 1,
caller.ColumnFirst, caller.ColumnLast,
Dim c As New ExcelReference(caller.RowFirst + 1, caller.RowLast + 1,
caller.ColumnFirst + 1, caller.ColumnLast + 1,
Static nyy As Integer = 1
nyy += 1
End Sub)
Return "NYA! x " + CStr(nyy)
End Function
End Module
ExcelAsyncUtil.QueueAsMacro runs the code as soon as possible - in this case when the calculation completes. But the macro you run sets some values on the sheet, so the volatile functions will calculate again. Which queues up a new macro to set some cells... Etc. So everything seems to work as expected.
Setting other cells from inside a UDF is not recommended and blocked by Excel - which is why you have to go through the weird macro route. If you can restructure your functions to be without such side effects, Excel will become much happier.