Since most browsers have HTML5 enabled, tracking the current device and displaying it on the map is possible, however, is there a function for a webapp based device, to update a central database on it's location?
My theory is that a user can POST a form to upload its coordinates, but this would cause it to be slightly of a hassle.
Is there a way, preferably automated, to track a user's geolocation in real time, through a web app?
Before all the downvotes come in, I would like to clarify that yes, I am able to track myself and get geolocation working on my device. What my intention is, is to track others and receive the value, something like a tracker.
edit: totally saw the downvote coming
If you want to track other users in real time, you have to use a websocket. For example if you are using node.js as your backend then simply use a package named, it handles all the heavy duty work for connecting one client to another client
Example code
<script src="/"></script>
var socket = io('http://localhost');
// Maybe send some location data through a click of a button
socket.emit('sendLocation', { latitude: 232.33, longtitude: 232323.33 });
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
// Socket is listening waiting for the client to send something to the server
socket.on('sendLocation', function(data) {
// Emit to everyone that is connected via
io.emit('sendToEveryone', data);
So the order is
1) Client emit
2) Server listen then will emit it again to the targeted user or all user
Hope it helps