I am using the Compass gem for Rails. After installing it, I've used some mixins that come with Compass. I am getting a deprecation warning in the console:
DEPRECATION WARNING on line 87 of /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/css3/_deprecated-support.scss: #{} interpolation near operators will be simplified
in a future version of Sass. To preserve the current behavior, use quotes:
unquote('"$moz-"#{$experimental-support-for-mozilla} "$webkit-"#{$experimental-support-for-webkit} "$opera-"#{$experimental-support-for-opera} "$microsoft-"#{$experimental-support-for-microsoft} "$khtml-"#{$experimental-support-for-khtml}')
You can use the sass-convert command to automatically fix most cases.
I am having trouble finding a fix for this online. What does this warning mean and what can I do to fix it?
Apparently this is a bug in the gem. Workaround until fix is pushed to gem here: https://github.com/Compass/compass/pull/2088