I writing a script that involves adding/removing multipath "objects" from the standard multipath.conf configuration file, example below:
# This is a basic configuration file with some examples, for device mapper
# multipath.
## Use user friendly names, instead of using WWIDs as names.
defaults {
user_friendly_names yes
devices {
device {
vendor "SolidFir"
product "SSD SAN"
path_grouping_policy multibus
getuid_callout "/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted --device=/dev/%n"
path_selector "service-time 0"
path_checker tur
hardware_handler "0"
failback immediate
rr_weight uniform
rr_min_io 1000
rr_min_io_rq 1
features "0"
no_path_retry 24
prio const
multipaths {
multipath {
wwid 36f47acc1000000006167347a00000041
alias dwqa-ora-fs
multipath {
wwid 36f47acc1000000006167347a00000043
alias dwqa-ora-grid
multipath {
wwid 36f47acc1000000006167347a00000044
alias dwqa-ora-dwqa1
multipath {
wwid 36f47acc1000000006167347a000000ae
alias dwqa-ora-dwh2d10-1
multipath {
wwid 36f47acc1000000006167347a000000f9
alias dwqa-ora-testdg-1
So what I'm trying to do is read this file in and store it in a nested python dictionary (or list of nested dictionaries). We can ignore the comments lines (starting with #) for now. I have not come up with a clear/concise solution for this.
Here is my partial solution (doesn't give me the expected output yet, but it's close)
def nonblank_lines(f):
for l in f:
line = l.rstrip()
if line:
yield line
def __parse_conf__(self):
conf = []
with open(self.conf_file_path) as f:
for line in nonblank_lines(f):
if line.strip().endswith("{"): # opening bracket, start of new list of dictionaries
current_dictionary_key = line.split()[0]
current_dictionary = { current_dictionary_key : None }
elif line.strip().endswith("}"): # closing bracket, end of new dictionary
# do nothing...
elif not line.strip().startswith("#"):
if current_dictionary.values() == [None]:
# New dictionary... we should be appending to this one
current_dictionary[current_dictionary_key] = [{}]
current_dictionary = current_dictionary[current_dictionary_key][0]
key = line.strip().split()[0]
val = " ".join(line.strip().split()[1:])
current_dictionary[key] = val
And this is the resulting dictionary (the list 'conf'):
[{'defaults': [{'user_friendly_names': 'yes'}]},
{'devices': None},
{'device': [{'failback': 'immediate',
'features': '"0"',
'getuid_callout': '"/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted --device=/dev/%n"',
'hardware_handler': '"0"',
'no_path_retry': '24',
'path_checker': 'tur',
'path_grouping_policy': 'multibus',
'path_selector': '"service-time 0"',
'prio': 'const',
'product': '"SSD SAN"',
'rr_min_io': '1000',
'rr_min_io_rq': '1',
'rr_weight': 'uniform',
'vendor': '"SolidFir"'}]},
{'multipaths': None},
{'multipath': [{'alias': 'dwqa-ora-fs',
'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a00000041'}]},
{'multipath': [{'alias': 'dwqa-ora-grid',
'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a00000043'}]},
{'multipath': [{'alias': 'dwqa-ora-dwqa1',
'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a00000044'}]},
{'multipath': [{'alias': 'dwqa-ora-dwh2d10-1',
'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a000000ae'}]},
{'multipath': [{'alias': 'dwqa-ora-testdg-1',
'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a000000f9'}]},
{'multipath': [{'alias': 'dwqa-ora-testdp10-1',
'wwid': '"SSolidFirSSD SAN 6167347a00000123f47acc0100000000"'}]}]
Obviously the "None"s should be replaced with nested dictionary below it, but I can't get this part to work.
Any suggestions? Or better ways to parse this file and store it in a python data structure?
Try something like this:
def parse_conf(conf_lines):
config = []
# iterate on config lines
for line in conf_lines:
# remove left and right spaces
line = line.rstrip().strip()
if line.startswith('#'):
# skip comment lines
elif line.endswith('{'):
# new dict (notice the recursion here)
config.append({line.split()[0]: parse_conf(conf_lines)})
# inside a dict
if line.endswith('}'):
# end of current dict
# parameter line
line = line.split()
if len(line) > 1:
config.append({line[0]: " ".join(line[1:])})
return config
The function will get into the nested levels on the configuration file (thanks to recursion and the fact that the conf_lines
object is an iterator) and make a list of dictionaries that contain other dictionaries. Unfortunately, you have to put every nested dictionary inside a list again, because in the example file you show how multipath can repeat, but in Python dictionaries a key must be unique. So you make a list.
You can test it with your example configuration file, like this:
with open('multipath.conf','r') as conf_file:
config = parse_conf(conf_file)
# show multipath config lines as an example
for item in config:
if 'multipaths' in item:
for multipath in item['multipaths']:
print multipath
# or do something more useful
And the output would be:
{'multipath': [{'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a00000041'}, {'alias': 'dwqa-ora-fs'}]}
{'multipath': [{'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a00000043'}, {'alias': 'dwqa-ora-grid'}]}
{'multipath': [{'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a00000044'}, {'alias': 'dwqa-ora-dwqa1'}]}
{'multipath': [{'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a000000ae'}, {'alias': 'dwqa-ora-dwh2d10-1'}]}
{'multipath': [{'wwid': '36f47acc1000000006167347a000000f9'}, {'alias': 'dwqa-ora-testdg-1'}]}