A friend and I are following the Autodesk Viewer tutorial here: https://developer.autodesk.com/en/docs/viewer/v2/tutorials/basic-viewer/
We've both completed all the previous steps except for the very last of using the APIs POST job
endpoint to send a base64 encoded urn
off to the Model Derivative API for conversion to a SVF file so that Autodesk's Viewer may use it.
This is what I'm using to send the POST job
curl -X 'POST' -H 'Authorization: Bearer cywr9WWu8kml3rQIVnPDohFDsoRl' -H
'Content-Type: application/json' -v 'https://developer.api.autodesk.com/modelderivative/v2/designdata/job'
-d '{"input": {"urn": "dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6bXl0ZXN0YnVja2V0dGVzdDIvZ2lyaV9zaXJfY29weTEucnZ0"},
"output": {"formats": [{"type": "svf","views": ["2d","3d"]}]}}'
and this is the APIs response:
"message":"<message>We have encountered some issues while preparing the file for viewing.
Please contact support for assistance.</message>"},{"type":"error",
"message":"Unrecoverable exit code from extractor: -1073741831",
Any insights is greatly appreciated.
Summarizing the comments on the question: here is the link to the sample running and source code (postJob function).
Please note this sample is storing the file directly under the developer account (OSS), not under the user account (Data Management), it's an important difference! The first uses 2-legged token, the second uses 3-legged token. Data Management contains some abstractions/metadata to organize the files, like hubs, projects and folders, but ultimately stores on OSS. Depending on the way it was stored, you need different tokens/permissions to read/write it.