I am trying to write a unit test where I want to verify that a ajax call has been made. The code is simple :
it('test spycall',()=>{
//my method call which in turns use ajax
The error that I get :
Property 'calls' doesn't exist on type '{settings:jqueryAjaxSettings):jQueryXHR;(url:string, settings?:JQueryAjaxSettings}
, among others, is part of the Jasmine testing framework, not JQuery itself (As you know, Jasmine (or rather, Jasmine-Jquery, the plugin you're using) is adding certain debugging functions to JQuery's prototype in order to, well, be able to test ajax calls).
The bad part is that your .d.ts
typescript definition file, the file that acts as an interface between typescript and pure JS libraries isn't aware of Jasmine's functions.
There are several ways you could approach fixing this, like
file for Jasmine's functions or.d.ts
file yourself by modifying the original one or, (what I would be doing)$.ajax
as any
, or not including the typescript definition at all in your testing codebase and declaring $
as any