I installed tig
via Homebrew
and tig
works okay, but is there are way to also cleanly install its man
pages via brew
too instead of from source (i.e. avoiding make install-doc
as described at https://github.com/jonas/tig/blob/master/INSTALL.adoc)
If you installed Homebrew with standard install directories, i.e. relatives to /opt/homebrew, there are 2 commands to register the binaries and man files to be used:
/usr/bin/sudo -s echo /opt/homebrew/bin >/etc/paths.d/homebrew echo /opt/homebrew/share/man >/etc/manpaths.d/homebrew exit
If you are using bash or zsh as your actual shell, you will have to enter one simple command to take into account these 2 environment modifications:
. /etc/profile
If you want to learn more how these 2 directories are used under MacOS X, read:
man path_helper