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less CSS parse error: media definitions require block statements

I'm using codekit to compile my Bootstrap LESS files and i keep getting this parse error on media queries that i didn't get when it was previously a CSS file.

"ParseError: media definitions require block statements after any features in /assets/less/homepage.less on line 568, column 2: 567 @media (max-width: @iphone_breakpoint) { 568 }"

Here is the complete line of code in question:

/* Custom, iPhone Retina */ 
@media (max-width: @iphone_breakpoint) {

Can anyone explain what's going on?


  • Just had this error, found the issue was a simple syntax error. I'll post what worked for me.

    The error:

    >> SyntaxError: media definitions require block statements after any
    >> features in _assets/less/styles.less on line 144, column 2:
    >> 143
    >> 144  div {
    >> 145          .links {

    Notice the error shows the line as being around 144-145, below we'll see

    In the code below I've forgot the . (period) when using the built in .hidden() mixin by .

    This outputs the error:

    SyntaxError: media definitions require block statements after any features in dir/bar/foo.less on line 144, column 2:

    A little misleading as the error is a child within that div on line 149.

    div {                // Line 144
        .links {
        .other-links {
            // Missing `.` for using the mixin
            hidden();    // The real error is here on Line 149


    Make sure you have no syntax errors in the children where the displayed error noted the error.

    1. Check for missing periods before mixins. hidden() -> .hidden()
    2. Check for all other errors ?

    Found another syntax error causing this error?
    let us know, comment below