I have a MongoDB database that contains a collection with millions of documents, what I need is query through these documents depending on certain conditions in the columns.. I read intensely the documentation of Apache Drill and since it allows writing queries in SQL it interests me but I'm afraid about the performance. My query would be:
select * from table where col1= cond1 and col2= cond2 ... and col12=cond12;
Only two conditions are mandatory but at most 12 conditions on different 'columns' Is Solr more suited for this ? or does Apache Drill suitable for the job ? I really looked everywhere and the documentation of Apache Drill is more rich. Thank you
I'm not sure about the Apache Solr. I used Drill for querying the oracle databases.
One of the main advantage of Apache drill is you can query across multiple databases. You just need to configure the sources & directly query them. This the biggest advantage of Apache drill. It was proved that its a best query among many other technologies. (Refer to the links)
You can refer one of my answer about the limitations & advantages of Apache Drill.
What are the limitations of apache drill?
Some other references to get to know about Drill very fast.
https://drill.apache.org/faq/ https://www.mapr.com/blog/top-10-reasons-using-apache-drill-now-part-mapr-distribution-including-hadoop