I need help with Yii2 GridView widget. Issue is: If you click on unsorted column name it will sort, by default from min to max(like SORT_ASC const in defaultOrder). What should i change to reverse sort order on click, it should be from max to min(like SORT_DESC).
There is no problem to choose default sort order onload, i need change it's onclick order. Sort options of dataProvider are:
'sort' => [
'attributes' => ['weekly_length','name', 'market','unique','sessions','retentions', 'session_length_summary',],
'defaultOrder' => ['weekly_length' => SORT_DESC],
Just Reverse Your Sort Order as : -
'sort' => [
'attributes' => [
'weekly_length' => [
'asc' => ['weekly_length' => SORT_DESC,],
'desc' => ['weekly_length' => SORT_ASC],