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Charts with DevExpress / DevExtreme

Hi I'm searching for a good chart plugin for my web-application, which can solve some of my requirements. To date, I've tested follow chart plugins:

  • Kendo UI
  • FusionCharts
  • HighCharts
  • Angular Charts

The plugin highcharts solves all of my requirements, but it's really expensive. The others don't solve all of my requirements, so I have to search another one. The solution of a hand-made chart needs a lot of time and that means for our company, it's also expensive. Now I've found the framework DevExpress. Before I invest a lot of time to test it, I would like to inform myself, if it's possible to make charts with DevExpress with this requirements:

  • Any number of y-axes with various values
  • Events (detect if clicked for example)
  • Costume style with css (I think I saw it on their website)
  • Integrate it as HTML in custome code
  • Supports JSON
  • Mixed line-style (for example, a part of a line in the chart is solid, another is dotted, but it's the same line)
  • Responsive Design

My results with highcharts:

Any number of y-axes with various value types: enter image description here

Mixed linetypes in same line (blue line): enter image description here

Special chart constalations: enter image description here

This special requirements are for the healthcare, because they have some weird and special charts they need for checking medical results. So it's simply complicate, to find a good plugin. If there is someone who has a knowledge with DevExpress and charts and can answer me I would be thankfull.



  • Any number of y-axes with various values

    DevExtreme has Multiple Axes Demo

    Events (detect if clicked for example)

    DevExtreme Charts have handlers for events. Here is a demo illustrates onPointClick

    Costume style with css (I think I saw it on their website)

    See it in Appearance Customization Article & Customize Points and Labels demo

    Supports JSON

    Remote Data Source Using an Ajax Query Demo

    Responsive Design

    DevExtreme Charts looks good on phones, tablets and desktops (Mobile & Web)

    You can see more in Widgets Gallery Demo & Documentation