How can i send custom error report from Xamarin forms application to Hockey? I am able to get crash reports through hockey sdk integration. I want to handle exceptions and send custom messages to hockey.
I tried sending reports by this way.
HockeyApp.BITHockeyManager.SharedHockeyManager?.MetricsManager?.TrackEvent("custom error report");
I enabled hockey in app delegate in this way
var hocMgr = BITHockeyManager.SharedHockeyManager;
hocMgr.DisableUpdateManager = true;
You can't just yet (see this recent link from support). HockeyApp is primarily designed for 'hard crashes' and not for event tracking or custom Exception handling. Besides the beta distribution and feedback of course.
With the merge of Xamarin Insights this will come, but it will take some time!
Custom event tracking is in the preseason already. But you'll have to be accepted in the program first.