I created a simple stopwatch (bash function) for counting time, but for now it's showing current time with milliseconds.
The code:
function stopwatch() {
date +%H:%M:%S:%N
while true; do echo -ne "`date +%H:%M:%S:%N`\r"; done;
I tried to change it as explained in this answer, but it works only with second since Unix Epoch.
When I used date
format +%s.%N
the subtraction from the answer above stopped working due to the fact that bash subtraction takes only integer.
How can I solve it and have a terminal stopwatch that prints time like so:
(and so on..)
One possible (& hacky) mechanism that can work for a day:
$ now=$(date +%s)sec
$ while true; do
printf "%s\r" $(TZ=UTC date --date now-$now +%H:%M:%S.%N)
sleep 0.1
Bonus: You can press enter at any time to get the LAP times. ;-)
Note: This is a quick fix. Better solutions should be available...
based variant (same logic):
$ now=$(date +%s)sec; watch -n0.1 -p TZ=UTC date --date now-$now +%H:%M:%S.%N