In Matlab, I want to multiply a column vector A with row vector B. The obtained result is a matrix. Now suppose I want to multiple A1, A2, ..., An and B1, B2, ..., Bn in batch. That is, I want to take advantage o the parallel processing capability of Matlab on matrix by somehow forming this problem into a matrix multiplication problem. By the way, parfor does not work in my case.
The reason I want to do this is that I want to implement mini-batch learning in Matlab. Suppose there are n training examples in a mini-batch. When I try to backpropagate the error, my errors for all cases in a minibatch are n row vectors B1, B2, ..., Bn. And the gradient corresponding to all n cases are n column vector A1, A2, ..., An. I want to multiply them to obtain the incremental weights for all n cases.
Say you have a matrix A
(resp. B
) in which the columns are your n
vectors A1,A2,...,An (resp. B1,B2,...,Bn ),
Your program would output n
matrices. In order to vectorize this, you have to increase by 1 the dimensions of your matrices ( In this case 2-->3 dimensions matrices). The i-th "slice" of them at constant z
will be respectively your vectors Ai
and Bi
. Then, you can use bsxfun
with the @times
function handle :
rA=reshape(A,[],1,n); % Flip A to 1st and third dimensions
% use bsxfun to compute the products
Out=bsxfun(@times, rA,rB);
% Now Out is a 3-d matrix where slices at constant z
% are the output matrices you want
% The trick here is that matrix multiplication
% of a column vector Ai with a row vector Bi is equal to elementwise
% multiplication of matrix [Ai Ai ... Ai] with matrix [Bi;Bi;...;Bi],
% and that's what the call to bsxfun does
% (see the part about "singleton expansion")