I am creating a CSR using this library on iOS and then encoding it as Base 64. https://github.com/ateska/ios-csr
The library creates the CSR as NS Data on iOS.
I am able to send this data to my Node.JS server. I want to convert this to a PEM so that I can sign this CSR using the server's private key. Does anyone know how to do this?
With SCCCSR from ios-csr library you will have a certificate request in PKCS#10 format, encoded in binary
let certificateRequest = sccsr.build(publicKey, privateKey: privateKey)
A PEM format requires a conversion to Base64 and around with the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
let certificateRequestB64 = certificateRequest.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions())
let certificateRequestPEM =
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\\n" + certificateRequestB64 + "\\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\\n"