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How to manually create and wire a service at runtime to a component in typescript Angular 2

Here's my use case:

I have an interface with 4 different implementations WorkflowA, WorkflowB, WorkflowC and WorkflowD.

export interface IWorkflow {

I have a WorkflowManager class that returns the appropriate workflow based on an input variable (Factory pattern?)

export class WorkflowManager {


    switch (workflow) {
      case 'workflowA':
        return new workflowA();
      case 'workflowB':
        return new workflowB();
      case 'workflowC':
        return new workflowC();
      case 'workflowD':
        return new workflowD();
        throw new Error(`Unrecognized workflow: ${workflow}`);


I also have a component WorkflowComponent that gets loaded

Example: /workflow=WorkflowA loads WorkflowComponent. The component then extracts the routeparam workflow and based on the value, it then passes it to the WorkflowManager which returns the appropriate workflow.

Here's a snippet of my component


export class Workflow implements OnInit {

  workflowInstance: IWorkflow;

    private route: ActivatedRoute,
    private workflowManager: WorkflowManager,
  ) {


  ngOnInit() {
    this.route.params.subscribe(params => {
      let regType: string = params['workflow']; 
      this.workflowInstance = this.workflowManager.getWorkflow(workflow);


But I don't like the idea of manually instantiating Workflow* classes. How can I improve this so I wire it using Angular2 supplied API so that it can be managed/injected in to other components?

Also in my current implementation, I will have to make ajax calls outside of Angular framework which I don't think is the best thing to do.

Any ideas on how to take advantage of the Angular framework and improve this?


  • One way is to inject an injector and acquire the workflow instance imperatively like:

    export class WorkflowManager {
      constructor(private injector:Injector) {}    
        switch (workflow) {
          case 'workflowA':
            return this.injector.get(workflowA);
          case 'workflowB':
            return this.injector.get(workflowB);
          case 'workflowC':
            return this.injector.get(workflowC);
          case 'workflowD':
            return this.injector.get(workflowD);
            throw new Error(`Unrecognized workflow: ${workflow}`);

    Alternatively you can inject workflowA, workflowB, workflowC, workflowA and just return the right one depending on the workflow but I think using the injector is a better fit for this use case.

    Ensure you provide workflowA, workflowB, workflowC.