I use array_walk_recursive to apply htmlspecialchars on my array value, but it didn't work, htmlspecialchars works when I use it manully; Here is my code:
$new[] = "<a href='test'>Test</a><li><div>";
var_dump(array_walk_recursive($new,'htmlspecialchars')); // true
var_dump($new) ; // no change
In the definition of array_walk_recursive:
array_walk_recursive — Apply a user function recursively to every member of an array
So you need to create a user defined function that uses htmlspecialchars like this:
$new[] = "<a href='test'>Test</a><li><div>";
array_walk_recursive($new, "specialChars");
function specialChars(&$value) {
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
And this will print:
array (size=1)
0 => string '<a href='test'>Test</a><li><div>' (length=56)