I'm working with Xamarin.Forms and I would like to create a tabbed navigation (like the one with ActionBar
in Android) just like the one used in Google Play Store and Google Play Music (also used in the Facebook app and other modern updated apps). Here is an image with two samples. One for Play Music and the other for Play Store.
Play Music and Play Store Tabbed Navigation
I've tried several ways of implementing this and have been through the Xamarin Cross-Platform documentation. Yet, I haven't found a clear response to this. A similar question was asked here on SO but didn't really help either.
Here is what I've tried from a sample on GitHub: My Tabbed Nav
But it keeps crashing with this error (and then requests for an "ActionBar.cs" file):
System.Exception: Android only allows one navigation page on screen at a time
So, how on earth do I achieve this?
Now, I know it's possible. But being a newbie to Xamarin, XAML and all of it I'm having serious issues here and there of which this is one of the most crucial!
PS: Btw sorry, I'm limited to posting images and links
Many thanks in advance.
You can try TabbedPage https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/user-interface/navigation/tabbed-page/
And for impelmenting Material Design: https://blog.xamarin.com/material-design-for-your-xamarin-forms-android-apps/