I am new to Xcode IDE and to swift and I'm trying to understand better how it works.
I'm aware that it's possible to make a delegation to an UI element, for example, a comboBox. This allows for working with methods that NSComboBoxDelegate supports. That's all fine. I understand how one comboBox can be linked to the method.
My question is: if there are two comboBox elements with delegation to a single .swift file, how do I define which one will "trigger" the method, for example, comboBoxSelectionDidChange? Do I have to have separate .swift files? Does the method work whenever each is changed? Is there a way to link each object to each method, as it's possible to do with outlets and actions?
I believe it's a simple question and probably one that programmers will answer with ease, but for beginners the abstraction and the simpler gapping holes slow comprehension too much.
Your Elements, for example UIPicker, can use the same delegate methods. You need to therefore differentiate between them by a tag. Or by actual reference. You need to give each one of your 'combo boxes' a tag first obviously, before you can use the tag option.
For Example:
func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int)
if(pickerView.tag == 0)
//do whatEver you want with the picker that has tag 0
else if(pickerView.tag == 1)
//do whatEver you want with the picker that has tag 1
Or by reference:
func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int)
if(pickerView == self.cityPicker)
//do whatEver you want with the city picker
else if(pickerView = self.countryPicker)
//do whatEver you want with the country picker