I want to use xonsh to bzip several files in a directory. I first attempt this with the following:
$ ls
table_aa.csv table_amgn.csv table_csco.csv table_esrx.csv table_hal.csv table_jbl.csv table_pcg.csv table_zmh.csv
table_aapl.csv table_amzn.csv table_d.csv table_gas.csv table_hp.csv table_jpm.csv table_usb.csv
$ for fn in ls:
.. bzip2 fn
NameError: name 'ls' is not defined
OK, so I use $()
$ for fn in $(ls).split():
. bzip2 fn
bzip2: Can't open input file fn: No such file or directory.
bzip2: Can't open input file fn: No such file or directory.
Is there a better way to do this?
$ xonsh --version
You are very close with the second example. The only thing to note is that fn
is a Python variable name, so you have to use @()
to pass it to a subprocess:
$ for fn in $(ls).split():
. bzip2 @(fn)
Also, on v0.3.4, you could use regex globbing instead of ls,
$ for fn in `.*`:
. bzip2 @(fn)
And at least on master, you can now iterate through !() line-by-line, which means that the following will also work if you are wedded to ls:
$ for fn in !(ls):
. bzip2 @(fn)