This is referring to the git Terminal that can be launched from the Atlassian SourceTree desktop client on Windows (7). I just want to be able to see the datetime for when a command was run. Right now all I see when I run a git command in this Terminal is:
username@machine MINGW64 /path/to/git/dir (branch)
I want to see something like:
2016-06-22T21:01:48+00:00 username@machine MINGW64 /path/to/git/dir (branch)
Where can I edit the .bashrc file to show this? I can't find an option in the SourceTree desktop client.
If you know the path of git used by SourceTree (embedded or external git), you can modify <git>\etc\profile.d\
PS1="$PS1"'\w \t' # current working directory
The \t
will add the timestamp to the git bash prompt:
vonc@voncavn7 MINGW64 /d/git/tests/subm/p1 23:45:37 (master)