I need to make a Reverse Geocoding for my SD app with Genexus X Ev3 U7, to show a location through aa given address in the map within the app. I've struggled for some time figuring out how to make it work with no luck.
I've already read all the documentation, followed the steps to get the API key from google (with Geocoding and Geolocation APIs enabled) and tried different ways with the methods shown in it and i haven't made it work.
Should I consider something else? Does anyone have done this before?
thanks before hand
Well, the main problem was that i was capturing the values of the Address Domain Collection variable all wrong.
All i had to do was to declare an &Address variable that read an &Addresses collection variable and to give it to a &Adrs VarChar variable:
For &Address in &Addresses
&Adrs = &Address
where &Addresses = GeoLocationAPI.GetAddress(&GeoLocation)
I don't know how i didn't come up with this before.
Thanks everyone :)