I'd like to initialize a static, constant pointer to an object of class type MyClass2, which is stored in a static data buffer in class MyClass1 when it is instantiated.
This doesn't work:
class MyClass1 {
_my_class_2_ptr = new (_my_class_2_buf) MyClass2();
static MyClass2 *const _my_class_2_ptr;
static char *_my_class_2_buf = new char[sizeof(MyClass2)];
Is there a way to accomplish something like this?
When your variables are static, you can't initialize them in constructor. It just doesn't make sense! What you want to do is something like
(in header)
class MyClass1 {
// member
static MyClass2 *const _my_class_2_ptr;
static std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(MyClass2)> _my_class_2_buf;
(in cpp)
std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(MyClass2)> MyClass1::_my_class_2_buf;
MyClass2* const MyClass1::_my_class_2_ptr = new (&MyClass1::_my_class_2_buf) MyClass2;