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Haskell: Types of function composition not matching

I am having some troubles with function composition and types. I would like to compose filter (which returns a list) with len, which takes a list as an argument (technically a Foldable but I am simplifying here). Looking at the types everything is as expected:

> :t length
length :: Foldable t => t a -> Int

> :t filter
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

So now I would expect the type of (len . filter) to be

(length . filter) :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int

while in reality is

> :t (length . filter)
(length . filter) :: Foldable ((->) [a]) => (a -> Bool) -> Int

So it seems I lost some arguments. Is it included in the the Foldable requirements in some way I am not understanding?

Note that everything works as expected if I do partial application:

> let myFilter = filter odd
> :t myFilter
myFilter :: Integral a => [a] -> [a]
> :t (length . myFilter)
(length . myFilter) :: Integral a => [a] -> Int
>  (length . myFilter) [1,2,3]


  • Definitions:

    (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
    filter ::  (m -> Bool) -> [m] -> [m]
    length :: Foldable t => t n -> Int

    What is u?

    length . filter :: u
    ≡ (.) length filter :: u

    Then we must solve a, b, c, t, n:

    a -> b ~ (m -> Bool) -> [m] -> [m]
    b -> c ~ Foldable t => t n -> Int

    It follows:

    a ~ m -> Bool
    b ~ Foldable t => t n
    b ~ [m] -> [m]
    c ~ Int


    a = m -> Bool
    b = [m] -> [m]
    c = Int

    We have to solve t, n from b ~ Foldable t => t n, i.e. [m] -> [m] ~ Foldable t => t n.

    t = ((->) [m])
    n = [m]

    Therefore, t n = [m] -> [m] which trivially unifies.


    (.) :: Foldable ((->) [m]) =>
              (([m] -> [m]) -> Int)
           -> ((m -> Bool) -> [m] -> [m])
           -> (m -> Bool) -> Int
    filter :: (m -> Bool) -> [m] -> [m]
    length :: Foldable ((->) [m]) => ([m] -> [m]) -> Int
    (.) length filter :: Foldable ((->) [m]) => (m -> Bool) -> Int

    An easier way to understand why length . filter is not what you want is to look at the definition of (.).

    (.) g f x = g(f x)


    (.) length filter
    ≡ \x -> length (filter x)

    We know that filter x is not a list.

    Pointless versions you may consider:

    (length .) . filter
    filter >=> return . length
    (fmap.fmap) length filter
    (id ~> id ~> length) filter -- [1]
    filter $* id $$ id *$ length -- [2]
    lurryA @N2 (length <$> (filter <$> _1 <*> _2)) -- [3]
    1. Control.Compose
    2. Data.Function.Meld
    3. Data.Function.Tacit