I am trying to fit data to normal distribution using scala breeze , python scipy alternative way is :
from scipy.stats import norm
mu,std = norm.fit(time1)
I am looking for alternative way to do same in scala using breeze
Looking at the source code for norm.fit
, it looks like if you use the function with only the data passed in (ie no other parameters), then this function just returns the mean and standard deviation:. We can accomplish the same in Breeze like so:
scala> val data = DenseVector(1d,2d,3d,4d)
data: breeze.linalg.DenseVector[Double] = DenseVector(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
scala> val mu = mean(data)
mu: Double = 2.5
scala> val samp_var = variance(data)
samp_var: Double = 1.6666666666666667
scala> val n = data.length.toDouble
n: Double = 4.0
scala> val pop_var = samp_var * (n-1)/(n)
pop_var: Double = 1.25
scala> val pop_std = math.sqrt(pop_var)
pop_std: Double = 1.118033988749895
We need to modify the sample variance to get the population variance. This is the same as the scipy
In [1]: from scipy.stats import norm
In [2]: mu, std = norm.fit([1,2,3,4])
In [3]: mu
Out[3]: 2.5
In [4]: std
Out[4]: 1.1180339887498949