In SSDT 2014 there is some lines in ultiple groups that show group bound:
but in SSDT 2016 there is not such this lines. How I can add them?
This solution is going to seem counter-intuitive but based on what I'm seeing I believe it will work. The lines you're seeing there that are missing in SSRS 2016 are called the Major Tick Mark lines. In SSRS 2014, the default LineStyle appears to be "Default". When I opened Report Builder for SSRS 2016, the default value was "None". My guess is there is a mapping that if it's default in 2014 (i.e., "Default") that this will map to the default in 2016 (i.e., "None").
To fix this, open your report in SSDT 2014 or SSDT 2016 and change the MajorTickMarks LineStyle to "Solid". As the MajorTickMarks LineStyle of Solid exists in both SSRS 2014 and SSRS 2016, it should carry over from one server to another.
If that doesn't work, I would recommend downloading the SSRS 2016 Report Builder and using that to set the LineStyle to "Solid" and the re-loading the report on the 2016 server.
Below are screenshots of the default LineStyle values for the MajorTickMarks when you create a new report in Report Builder 3.0 for 2012/2014 versus Report Builder for 2016.