I simply need to attach query parameters onto an outgoing request. (Java EE 7.0, JAX-RS 2.0)
In specifics, I currently using the RESTeasy Client ver 3.0.14, so I make my calls using the fancy interface-proxy system. I was attempting to produce something like this:
public class MyRequestFilter implements ClientRequestFilter {
private HttpServletRequest servletRequest;
public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
servletRequest.getParameterMap().put("timestamp", new String[]{
String.valueOf(new Date().getTime())
I made sure I was registering it with client.register(MyRequestFilter.class)
as well. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks!
Credit to @peeskillet --
Rebuild the URI from the requestContext
like this:
requestContext.setUri(UriBuilder.fromUri(requestContext.getUri()).queryParam("key", value).build());
You can now see the new query parameter with
Again, verify that you register it when making the REST Client