I'm using a LCCP from the Point Cloud Library, but I'm quite that I'm doing something wrong.
I think I narrowed the Error down and it has something to do with the SuperVoxelAdjacencyList sv_adjacency_list;
lccp.getSVAdjacencyList (sv_adjacency_list);
because I've implemented a other way to get the adjacency. The documentation states that
[out] adjacency_list_arg The supervoxel adjacency list with classified (convex/concave) edges. On error the list is empty.
So now I'm wondering if there is a way find out if the list is emtpy. Every help is appreciated.
I'd say if boost::num_vertices(sv_adjacency_list) == 0
you can conclude it's empty.
Of course, you could look at the number of edges instead.
See also: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_61_0/libs/graph/doc/graph_concepts.html